Friday, May 8, 2009

Killing me!!!!

So these last couple weeks have been pretty rough for me! Luckily I have my wonderful husband Hans! He has helped me so much with DaLilah while I have been laying in bed feeling awful! One day I just went to check on them to make sure they were doing okay and this is what I found......

What a hillarious hubbie I have! Always keeps me laughin!


Teryn said...

lol! I always knew Hans would be a great dad ;) Looks like your little girl is enjoying herself though :)

Brittany said...

That is priceless!!! So cute! So why have you been sick?... Are you pregnant?

ps. we live in Orem!

Brittany said...

Sweet! Yeah we should go shopping together haha! I go to Albertsons!

Esther said...

That is so funny! Cute pictures :)

Brittany said...

Hey guess what? You remember Ryan White? Well his wife it hosting a party for the grocery smarts! You should totally come it is on Monday then 18th. I will come too! They live in SaltLake! Let me know! Text me 801-400-4514.

Colten and Melissa Rogers said...

Thats so funny! I love it! I am curious too... Are you pregnant?

Amber said...

that's hilarious!