Monday, April 12, 2010

Family Bowling Tournie!

Whoa the time has come! We had our family bowling tournament and it was a blast! We have this tournament every year and it was surprising that my hubbie Hans didn't even place this year! My brother Steve took 1st, my brother Doug took 2nd, and my brother Jared took 3rd! Cannot wait for next year!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Sunday!

Easter Sunday was a blast! My sister Lana and her family recently moved back to Utah and we decided to get our family together and watch conference and celebrate Easter together! Although a lot of family was unable to attend we still had a blast by playing confrence bingo, having an Easter egg hunt, playing on the playground, watching my brother in law and nephews (who are incredible skate boarders) skate down this huge hill, wax eachothers faces, paint our nails, and of coarse eat lots of food! It was soooo fun and I can't say enough how much I love and appreciate my family! They are truly my best friends!

Friday, April 2, 2010


DaLilah looks forward to saying our prayers every night! Ever since we got her a big girl bed we have started saying our family prayers in her room instead of ours and it couldn't be more fun for her. Her bed is the perfect height for her to kneel at for her tiny little body and it is the cutest sight! I am so happy that she loves to pray! She also has to kiss her Jesus picture every night before bed and also wants to do it through out the day. The way she says Jesus is soooo sweet! I will try and catch it on tape!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010